
Is Have you lost weight a compliment?

Is Have you lost weight a compliment?

You can compliment someone’s outfit or hairstyle, for example, but telling someone “You look great, have you lost weight?” ultimately translates to, “You look good because you’re smaller and thinner.” We start to internalize the idea that other people are monitoring our bodies, which perpetuates societal pressure to be …

What do you reply when someone asks your weight?

Just tell them that you weigh too much, and that is a personal question. I get tired of the “Such a pretty face” comments. If I am overweight, I know that I am. No one needs to tell me.

Should you compliment weight loss?

While you might think you’re being thoughtful by acknowledging someone’s weight loss, your compliment might have unintended, unforeseen consequences. Put simply, a body-image-related remark — no matter how flattering it’s meant to be — could do more harm than good.

Is it rude to ask someone if they have lost weight?

Asking “Have you lost weight?” or making an observation—any observation—about the size of a person’s body is not a compliment. It’s also none of your damn business. Stop and think about some of the reasons people may lose weight. One may be by conscious choice.

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Why do people gain weight when they lose a loved one?

Maybe they just lost a loved one. What if, instead of noticing that they had lost weight, you noticed they looked heavier? Weight gain is common when someone is ill, experiencing stress, has lost a loved one, or their body has simply changed. Would you greet a friend with “Wow!

Is it a compliment to say “Have you lost weight?

It is not a compliment. Asking “Have you lost weight?” or making an observation—any observation—about the size of a person’s body is not a compliment. It’s also none of your damn business. Think about it.

Do you count calories when losing weight?

Stop and think about some of the reasons people may lose weight. One may be by conscious choice. They may exercise. They may count calories. Or, maybe they have cancer and be undergoing chemotherapy.