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Does Bharatanatyam hurt?

Does Bharatanatyam hurt?

As any practitioner will tell you, the dance style causes heel, knee and back pain. They observe that the dancers with limited external rotation at the hip are the ones most affected. Kuttanam, the forceful stamps, and the cement or stone practice floors are the other culprits.

Does Bharatanatyam cause knee problems?

Bharatanatyam dancers are more prone to lower limb injuries due to their posture. Knee, ankle and back injuries are most common among them. Injuries have become a great threat to the dancers just as in the case of athletes and sports persons.

Does Bharatanatyam cause flat feet?

Bharatnatyam dancers are more prone for ankle and foot problems. Due to repetitive tapping of the foot, changes are seen in the medial longitudinal arch causing flat foot in Bharatnatyam dancers which affects their balance while dancing.

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Does Bharatanatyam burn fat?

If practiced properly and regularly, a class of an hour will burn 400-500 calories. Be it Bharatnatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi or Odissi, depending upon the form one can burn a large amount of calories and increase mental stimulation.

Is Bharatanatyam a good career?

With a few exceptions, Bharatanatyam is today a secondary career, or a profession for those with family support. Few dancers can devote their entire lives to training and developing as dancers. To earn money, dancers start teaching early in their careers.

How did Bharatanatyam survive in the modern world?

The modern world is a new environment for this ancient art form. For centuries, the survival of Bharatanatyam depended on a system of dedicated dancers, lifelong trainers, and royal patrons, to all of whom the dance was an integral part of social and religious life.

What is the history of Bharatanatyam dance?

In the olden days, the Devadasis were not allowed to have families, as they led a very strict life. The term Bharatanatyam today identifies a particular style of dance. historically, Bharatanatyam is a system of dance, described in the Natya Shastra, capable of manifesting various forms.

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What is ardhamandala in Bharatanatyam?

Ardhamandala is the fundamental posture of Bharatanatyam. It is also known as Ayatam, Araimandi, Ukkaramandala, or the Half sitting posture. Pure Dance called Nritta involves frequent use of this posture.