
How do you release trapped emotions?

How do you release trapped emotions?

Practice mindfulness to get better at recognizing your feelings and observing the bodily sensations connected to those feelings, as they come and go throughout the day. Offer yourself self-compassion as you go through more difficult emotions. PRACTICE: Sit still for few minutes with your eyes closed.

What is emotion code healing?

The Emotion Code® is an energy healing technique designed to help identify and literally release Trapped Emotions – which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events.

How do you use emotion charts?

A feelings chart is a great way to help them broaden that knowledge. To do this, take turns choosing a random feeling on the chart and ask them to share a time when they felt this way. This simple exercise will help them go beyond just the basic emotions and be able to better identify how they are feeling.

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How does the emotion code chart work?

The Emotion Code Chart consists of 60 emotions, divided into two columns and six rows. Start by asking yourself or your subject, “Is this trapped emotion in Column A?” Perform the muscle test and, if the muscle being tested weakens, the answer is “No.” In that case, ask if the trapped emotion is in Column B.

What is the emotion body code?

The Body Code™ is designed to help identify and correct energy imbalances that could cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems for people. It addresses the health of the energy body, where we release trapped emotional energies (The Emotion Code) and correct blocked chakras and meridians and such.

What emotions are stored in the thighs?

Inner Thighs = Fear of Vulnerability Because our legs are biologically programmed to run when we first spot danger, fear towards others is often stored here.

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How to recognize trapped emotions?

Each one needed to be recognized, inquired about, cleared, and confirmed as having been cleared before moving on to ask about the others that might be there. The Emotion Code is a very precise method. First, we recognize God and ask for his help. Then we muscle test to identify the trapped emotion using the Chart of Emotions.

What is the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is a very precise method. First, we recognize God and ask for his help. Then we muscle test to identify the trapped emotion using the Chart of Emotions. Next we ask if anything else needs to be discovered before releasing the emotion.

How much emotion code work should I do in a session?

It is important to let the body tell you how much Emotion Code work to do in a session. Most of the time you will find that you can identify and release about five to ten trapped emotions in a twenty minute session.

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How many trapped emotions can you release in a session?

Most of the time you will find that you can identify and release about five to ten trapped emotions in a twenty minute session. This is typical, but sometimes you may find that your body will only allow you to release two or three emotions in a session, and that’s okay. Trust the wisdom of the body!