
Why does the Leaf Village want Sasuke back?

Why does the Leaf Village want Sasuke back?

Combining the rest, everyone knew about his sensei i.e Orochimaru. That is why they wanted him to return. He got involved in all wrong doings and every other villages wanted Sasuke to be considered as a traitor, thereby forcing Leaf Village to execute a pursuit on him.

Why did Sasuke betray the Leaf?

Sasuke was driven by the feeling of revenge. Danzo and the elders of the hidden leaf used Itachi to kill off his entire clan including women and children. He was blinded by the feeling of revenge first towards his brother and later towards the people of the hidden leaf ..

Why didn’t Sasuke return to Boruto?

Sasuke doesnt return after getting his revenge because he learned the truth about Itachi. He learnt of what the elders of the village made him do and what they did. How they made him take disgrace instead of honor and how they let a seed of hatred grow inside of him… until he killed Itachi.

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What did Sasuke do after the war?

Following the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke spent a little time in Konoha’s prison for his actions. Defecting from the village and training with Orochimaru initially made him an enemy. His decision to help the shinobi world bought him some favor, though, and officials released him.

Why did Sasuke go to jail?

Why did Sasuke leave Uchiha’s village?

Back in part one of the series when Naruto was growing in strength leaving Sasuke in the dust, the brooding Uchiha was approached by Orochimaru’s minions to leave the village in order to gain greater power. Consumed with a need to be stronger than Naruto and to kill his brother, Sasuke accepted the offer and left the village.

Should Sasuke be the Hokage of Boruto?

As the one who saved Konoha from Kaguya — with Naruto just waiting in the wings as the lead warrior — Sasuke should be the one to now lead it. Sasuke’s just more proactive, a better strategist and calculates scenarios way better than Naruto, which is what all the Hokages of the past did.

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Why is Sasuke so important to Naruto?

Sasuke not only protects Konohagakure from the shadows but also does more than enough to protect the entire shinobi world. As mentioned above, Sasuke’s journey in Naruto has been filled with ups and downs. At times, he’s sought power to kill his brother and avenge his clan, while at others, he’s used his powers to save Konoha.

Is Sasuke Uchiha better than Naruto Uzumaki at ninjutsu?

Coming back to fighting capabilities, Sasuke Uchiha is significantly better than Naruto Uzumaki at Ninjutsu as well. This is something Masashi Kishimoto had depicted right from the beginning of the series.