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How do I get my GF attention?

How do I get my GF attention?

Let her see that you’re genuinely interested in who she is, and that you’re not just asking to sound polite. Make eye contact and really give your full attention when she tells you about herself. Ask her to talk more about her hobbies and interests, even if you don’t really know a lot about them.

How do I tell a girl I care?

Here are 50 ways to show her you really do love her:

  1. Talk respectfully. Don’t make her feel like she is less important.
  2. Listen to her.
  3. Compliment her.
  4. Try to show interest in things she enjoys.
  5. Consider her opinion before making a decision.
  6. Be forgiving.
  7. Plan a small trip.
  8. Set goals together.
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Why doesn’t my girlfriend care about me?

If you don’t learn the simple methods to keep your girlfriend’s interest, you will risk losing her care and interest to another more challenging man. In your situation, it could also be that your girlfriend doesn’t care about you because she is testing you for future security.

Why does my girlfriend lose interest in me so quickly?

The mistake is not being centered on your purpose. Being on your purpose consists of goals, passions, and ambitions that you’re aiming for in the future. Anytime you lack a purpose… your girlfriend will start losing interest in you and be repulsed by your lack of masculine energy. Now this isn’t something she thinks about “logically.”

Is it okay to be uncertain and uncertain around your girlfriend?

While it’s ok if you become weak and uncertain for a short while (Nobody’s perfect)… continuing this trend seriously erodes your girlfriend’s attraction for you (without you even noticing). You see, when you display uncertainty and weakness, it’s the same as projecting FEMININE energy. And your girlfriend becomes REPULSED and TURNED OFF by it!

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How do you know if your girlfriend doesn’t want you anymore?

Something feels wrong. Your girlfriend has become very cold and distant lately. It feels like she has lost interest in you and in the relationship. You are afraid that she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore. As you worry about losing your girl… you think back to the good times you had.
