
How do I get over a fake best friend?

How do I get over a fake best friend?

Determine if they are in fact, a fake friend.

  1. Talk about you behind your back.
  2. Use you to climb up a particular social chain.
  3. Use you to get close to someone you are close to.
  4. Copy your work or use your intelligence.
  5. Try to get some sort of information from you.
  6. Only talk to you when they need something.

Why do friends talk behind each other’s backs?

People talk behind other people’s backs for a range of reasons; to celebrate, share or be derogatory. A venting session may occur to pass some negative thoughts or interaction. These folks are looking for validation for their throughs and feelings.

What should you do if you get caught talking about someone else?

The most important thing to do if you get caught by the person you’re talking about is to take responsibility for your behavior and apologize. (Aka own it, trademark Lisa Rinna .)

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What should I do if a friend is talking behind my back?

As soon as you hear she’s been talking behind your back, be careful. Of course, take into consideration who told you she was talking about you, but if your source is credible, you should give yourself some distance. There’s always a chance of a misunderstanding, but don’t give your fake friend the opportunity to use your own words against you.

What should I do if my fake BFF talks about me?

If your fake BFF is talking about you, it’s clear she can’t be trusted with your private info anymore. Confide in your other friends if you need someone to talk to. Better yet, talk with friends who don’t personally know the one who’s talking about you.

How do you find out if a friend is lying to you?

Ask your common friends to find out if there is more to that lie, than what meets the eye. Chances are that you and your friend have mutual connections and other friends in common. Ask around casually to see if your friend has been up to strange antics or has been talking behind your back.