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Do you reincarnate if you reach Nirvana?

Do you reincarnate if you reach Nirvana?

Nirvana, Being, The Self and Buddhist Consciousness Once a person reaches nirvana there is no need to be reborn and the process of reincarnation ends. Most Buddhists realize that attaining nirvana is unrealistic for now and simply aim for a “better” existence.

Where does the soul go after Nirvana?

Where do the souls of Buddhists go after reaching Nirvana? – Quora. The mind (there is no soul according to Buddhism, just mind), doesn’t go anywhere. There is no places. The mind dreams up this experience.

What happens when you reach enlightenment in Buddhism?

In Buddhism, enlightenment (called bodhi in Indian Buddhism, or satori in Zen Buddhism) is when a Buddhist finds the truth about life and stops being reborn because they have reached Nirvana. Once you get to Nirvana you are not born again into samsara (which is suffering).

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What gets reincarnated in Buddhism?

Depending on the actions performed in previous lives, rebirth could be as a human or animal or even ghosts, demi-gods, or gods. Being born as a human is seen by Buddhists as a rare opportunity to work towards escaping this cycle of samsara. The escape from samsara is called Nirvana or enlightenment.

Do You Believe in reincarnation?

However, if you believe in reincarnation, then you know the afterlife is literally a new beginning, with a new body and a new life. Reincarnation, like many spiritual and religious concepts, is grounded in the belief that you are not a body with a soul, but rather, you are a soul with a body.

Do souls reincarnate in the worst conditions?

Souls who heavily surrendered to striving for power, greed and selfishness may indeed decide to reincarnate in a real trouble spot and to live under worst conditions. This is solely to physically and emotionally sense the effects of power, greed and selfishness from other beings.

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Where does the soul go immediately after death?

As the karmas from causal body begin to discharge one after another, the physical body grows in the womb. The baby is finally born and the entire life unfolds according to the causes (karmas) done in the past life. This is a scientific reply to where does the Soul go immediately after death.

What happens to the soul when the last breath is taken?

When the last breath is going on, the Soul along with the causal body and the electrical body leaves the old physical body (this event is called death). At the same moment, it gets into a new physical body (this event is called birth). All three (the Soul, the causal body, and the electrical body) leave together.