Tips and tricks

How do you qualify for affordable housing?

How do you qualify for affordable housing?

Are you eligible?

  1. have a gross household income of no more than £90,000 a year.
  2. are an existing shared owner.
  3. do not already own a home or have sold your home before your purchase.
  4. are unable to buy a property that suits your needs on the open market.

How do you stay safe in a rough area?

Staying Safe When You Live in a Bad Neighborhood

  1. Be Street Smart and Stay Alert. Stay alert when walking in the neighborhood, especially at night.
  2. Know Your Neighbors.
  3. Secure Entry Points and Valuables.
  4. Install a Home Security System.

How can I make a bad neighborhood better?


  1. Report crime as soon as possible.
  2. Report nuisances and other noncriminal problems promptly.
  3. Take away the opportunity for crime.
  4. Introduce yourself to your neighbors.
  5. Know the names of neighborhood kids and their friends.
  6. Make a list of landlords in your area.
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How can you stay safe in a bad neighborhood?

How do I fix a bad neighborhood?

How do I find out if an area is safe?

7 tools to check neighborhood safety

  1. AreaVibes.
  2. NeighborhoodScout.
  3. CrimeReports.
  4. Family Watchdog.
  5. NextDoor.
  6. ADT Go.
  7. Crime and Place.

What are the characteristics of a safe neighborhood?

Strong social organization, youth job opportunities, immigration, and residential stability are among several neighborhood characteristics associated with lower crime rates. Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Why is there more violent crime in low-income areas?

This means our focus on poverty tends to be on the amount of violent crime that is produced by low-income communities. So why is there more violence in low-income areas? It is because there is less of a safety net that is present for those with few or no resources to rely upon.

Is there such a thing as “poor-on-poor” crime?

Yet we cannot ignore households in poverty when they become victims of a crime, even if it is labeled as “poor-on-poor” crime. The answer, it seems, may come from the State of Texas – which ironically houses about 10\% of the US prisoner population.

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Should you buy property in the roughest suburbs of Sydney?

Often the poorest suburbs in the roughest areas have the lowest property value and are the ones to avoid if you’re looking at buying property as their resale value isn’t high. According to NSW crime statistics by suburb here are the most dangerous suburbs in Sydney.