
Is IISc better than IIM?

Is IISc better than IIM?

With an overall score of 91.81, IISc topped the first National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), a survey of India’s educational institutions commissioned by the Union human resource development ministry. …

Which gives more salary IIT or IIM?

According to a report, graduates at top IITs receive 137\% higher salary as compared to an average engineer whereas a Management Graduate earns 121\% higher salary as compared to an average MBA Graduate. …

Is the salary at the top 3 IIMs in India high?

Well, if you’ve heard for reliable sources like The Hindu or the Economic Times it is true. The salary at the top 3 IIMs are very high. The Summer Placements : These are internships and salary may range from a few lakhs to even 10,000 per month and is for a period of two to three months.

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What is the average salary of an IISc Bangalore student?

The placement data released by IISc Bangalore showcases that three per cent of the total students placed got a salary package of more than Rs 40 LPA. Around 25 per cent of students managed to fetch the salary package in the range of Rs 20-30 LPA. Five per cent of students got a salary package of less than Rs 10 LPA.

How is the placement of IISc in 2018-19?

The final placement session for 2018-19 batch concluded with three per cent of the total students placed got a salary package of more than Rs 40 LPA followed by 18 per cent of students got the salary package ranging from Rs 30-40 LPA. Top companies such as Walmart, IBM, Tata Motors, Oracle and Toshiba visit IISc every year for recruitment.

What is the final placement salary of IIM students?

Final Placements: The type of job you get depends on your two years you spent at IIM, your grades, your extracurriculars and internship. Your final placement salary may range from One Crore to 50,000 or so per month and it depends on the IIM you study in also.