
Where did all religions originated from?

Where did all religions originated from?

Why religions became global

Faith Approximate start date Place of origin
Judaism c. 2000 BCE Middle East
Buddhism c. 500 BCE Northern India
Confucianism c. 500 BCE Northern China
Daoism (Taoism) c. 550 BCE Northern China

Why do we have different religions?

“People have different religions for the same reasons that people have different opinions and different tastes, because they were raised in different ways and in different places and in different families and at different times, and with different brains. Some people love their religion because it feels comfortable.

Why is it important to understand other religions?

Better understanding of religions—those at home and abroad—among Americans can help prevent intolerant speech and actions, enable citizens to discern religious claims on their own shores, give them a more nuanced view of foreign affairs, and make it more likely that we better practice the teachings of religions: …

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How does a religion differ from another?

1. A religion differ from other by their beliefs and ideology. The common among all the religion is that they believe in an imaginary person within their minds and treat them as high as the sky.

Do all religions ultimately lead to the same God?

This would seem to suggest that all religions do not ultimately lead to the same God since all religions do not believe in the same God. The exception to this might be if all religions are equally wrong about who God is.

Do all religions have the same root religion?

Yes all Religions have the same root religion. The three major religions, I.e. Christianity, Islam and Judaism, subscribe to this belief in their books. Each of these religions claim that all of humanity originates from Adam and Eve. Each religion believe that Adam was given the true religion,…

Are all religions equally valid and true?

There is no reason to doubt the earnestness of the beliefs held by the faithful of each religion. However, the law of non-contradiction seems to rule out the possibility that each religion’s understanding of God is equally valid and true from an objective point of view.

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What is the evolutionary theory of religion?

As against the above two theories, evolutionary theory states that religions have evolved from primitive to modern. Concept of God has evolved from gross to subtle. Ancient people used to worship natural forces as God. There were many Gods. Gods used to be object of fear.