
How to take a perfect selfie?

How to take a perfect selfie?

Get the right selfie angle. The way selfies are taken differs from the way that ordinary photos are taken.

  • Make good selfie poses. Besides the mentioned above,there are a lot of different photo poses.
  • Make perfect selfie lighting. Another useful selfie tip is about the light. Photographers would say that lighting is a crucial element.
  • Smile. If you are smiling on the picture,be sure you’ll get a perfect shot.
  • Highlight one feature. Selfies are often taken focusing on one particular feature. If you are proud of your hair,complexion or color of your eyes,highlight these charming features.
  • Pose with some new item. If you have bought new shoes,glasses,jeans,t-shirt,etc – it is a great chance to take a nice selfie.
  • Try a natural look. One more tip on how to take a selfie is related to appearing natural.
  • Set the background of the picture. If you are aimed at taking your amateur selfie,draw attention to the background since it sometimes is a clue to snap a
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    How to take better selfies?

    Use Good Lighting. Most high-quality selfies need good lighting. Poor lighting can make selfies unflattering&hard to see.

  • Get the Best Angle. Many people take selfies without considering the best angle.
  • NEVER Use Flash! I NEVER use a flash when taking selfies.
  • Crop the Shot. Crop your shots for the best composition!
  • Take Time to Edit. It makes a huge difference when you edit a photo to adjust the brightness&contrast — and make it appear sharper.
  • Use a Filter. Photo filters on Instagram will give your selfies a completely different feel.
  • Use Props. Pei often uses props in her selfies. And they’re awesome! If you post lots of selfies — props will keep the photos from getting stale.
  • Take with Front Lens. When taking selfies,there’s lots of disagreement about whether you should use the lens on the front or back of your smartphone.
  • Break the Rules!!! Despite all I’ve written here,there are no rules when it comes to selfies. So just do your thing!
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    How often do you take selfies?

    Millennials alone are on track to take an average of 25,000 selfies in a lifetime, according to Samsung. That’s approximately one selfie a day during an average lifespan.

    Why do guys send selfies?

    Nowadays, guys have found that sending selfies is a great way to get closer to a person they are interested in. It is not meant to boast on how they look but just to feel closer to who they are talking to. If you think about it, sending a picture is allowing the person to live in the moment with you hence why guys do it.