
What does it mean when you see Lord Shiva in meditation?

What does it mean when you see Lord Shiva in meditation?

Shiva holds both and is always in meditation. It indicates that our lives are full of pairs of opposites: life and death, joy and sorrow, honour and dishonour, success and failure. We should be able to bear these opposites with calmness of mind and not let them destroy our mental equipoise.

Why shivling should not be kept at home?

Shiva lingas can be worshiped at home, but the general rule is, it should not be bigger than your thumb according to the scriptures. For worship at home, any idol should not be bigger than the thumb. The reason, I think is because we only offer a little naivedyam at home and so big murtis are not used.

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How do you wash Shiva lingam?

Mix equal parts of unboiled milk, honey, ghee (butter), curd, and sugar together in a bowl to make a panchamrit, a sacred mixture for the ceremony. Pour the panchamrit over the lingam to completely bathe it. As you do this, chant “Om Namah Shivaya.” Wash your lingam with water.

How do you worship linga?

Before starting the Puja, the devotee takes a bath and wear freshly washed clothes. Hymns praising Lord Shiva or the mantra ‘Om Namaha Shivaya’ are repeated to create a mood for worship. Then, the devotee sits in front of the lingam and blows conch or ring bells. This indicates the beginning of the Puja.

What is the significance of the Shiva Lingam?

The nature itself is a Lingam (or symbol) of Shiva. When we see nature, we infer the presence of its creator – Shiva. Shiva Lingam is the mark of Shiva the creator, Shiva the sustainer and Shiva the destructor. It also dispels another myth in which Shiva is considered only as a destructor.

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What is the nature of Shiva’s consciousness?

Shiva is one of the principal deities in Hinduism, and is known as the patron of meditation and yoga. Regarded as the master of destruction, creation, and regeneration, Shiva can be thought of as beyond duality and form. While in essence he is formless and undefined cosmic consciousness,…

How can I meditate on Shiva?

Meditating on Shiva by visualizing his manifestations and chanting mantras dedicated to him is a way of bowing to your own truest inner self and of awakening the third eye. Learn how to embrace your inner divinity and meditate on Shiva through breathing, visualizations, and by chanting mantras.

What are Narmadeshwar Shiva lingams?

Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingams are found only in one place in the ENTIRE planet: Central India, on the banks of the Narmada River. They are composed of cryptocrystalline quartz and have the highest frequency or vibration of any stone on the planet! They are formed into natural egg-shapes by the action of the river.