
Is Avengers Infinity war scary?

Is Avengers Infinity war scary?

Avengers: Infinity War is the darkest and most intense, violent and confronting Marvel movie to date. The movie is aimed at adolescent and adult Marvel fans and is definitely not suitable for children. Parental guidance is strongly recommended for younger teenagers because of the many violent and disturbing scenes.

Can a 5 year old watch Avengers: Infinity War?

I would recommend Avengers: Infinity War for ages 10 and up. If your kids are big fans and have seen the other Marvel films, then you could go younger. The movie is long — it’s 156 minutes, according to Rotten Tomatoes, which is about two and a half hours.

Is Avengers: Infinity War ok for 10 year olds?

The issues for taking young kids to Avengers: Infinity War comes with the themes of the movie. Ultimately, if the kids in your life are seven or over, they should be fine. That said, you know your child and if they are of a very sensitive disposition, you might like to wait until it’s on home release.

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What age is appropriate for Avengers Infinity War?

Avengers: Infinity War/MPAA rating

Who dies in Infinity Wars?

Here’s who survived Avengers: Infinity War. Captain America/Steve Rogers: Captain America actor Chris Evans has been suggesting for months that he would die in Infinity War. But when he faces down Thanos one-on-one, Thanos inexplicably decides to toss Cap aside instead of just killing him.

Who are the 67 Infinity War characters?

Captain America

  • Iron Man
  • Thor
  • Hulk
  • Black Widow
  • Hawkeye
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Vision
  • War Machine
  • Black Panther
  • Who are the characters in Infinity War?

    Directors Tease Number of Avengers: Infinity War Characters. Captain America: Civil War stars Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo and the original Agent Carter herself, Hayley Atwell, attended Wizard World Comic-Con New Orleans over the weekend.

    Who are the actors in Infinity War?

    Avengers: Infinity War is a film released in 2018 and directed by Anthony Russo, Chris Castaldi, Joe Russo, Mark Rossini, Simon Downes. The leading star actors of Avengers: Infinity War are Bradley Cooper , Chris Evans , Chris Hemsworth , Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Olsen, Mark Ruffalo , Robert Downey Jr ., Scarlett Johansson , Sebastian Stan , Zoe Saldana .