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Is reconciliation possible after an affair?

Is reconciliation possible after an affair?

It’s possible to reconcile after adultery, and even make your marriage better than before, but it takes hard work and humility.

How many couples reconcile after an affair?

If you look at the statistics, only about a quarter of married couples try to reconcile after an affair has happened. This number is halved if the people are not married. However, it’s not impossible. It takes three Ts: time, trust, and therapy, to help the marriage repair itself cheating has happened.

How long does it take to reconcile after an affair?

Affair recovery is the process of healing a relationship mentally, emotionally, and physically after it has experienced infidelity. Affair recovery usually takes anywhere from six months to two years and is often a painful process yet a possible one for couples who possess humility, compassion, and tenacity.

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Can a husband see the other woman more clearly after an affair?

The longer that the affair has been over, the more likely it is that the husband will have these sorts of feelings and can now see the affair (and the other woman) much more accurately and clearly. Understand That You Don’t Have To (And Shouldn’t) Compete With Her.

What happens when you fight about an affair?

The affair may have come about because of a growing disconnectedness between the two of you. Later, fighting or feuding about the infidelity can broaden this disconnection, sometimes to the point of permanent hostility and alienation. And that’s particularly lethal if there are children involved.

How can I help my spouse recover from an affair?

And rather than simply blaming their partner for their feelings (i.e., mercilessly dumping these feelings on them), letting them know—and without degrading or excessively guilting them—that they need concretely to demonstrate their contrition through remedial action. As Susan Heitler astutely observes in “Recovery from an Affair”:

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What happens after confronting your husband about his infidelity?

After confronting him about his infidelity, you may wonder what he is feeling. Because he has betrayed your love and trust in such a painful way, you may find it hard to believe anything he is saying. As someone who specializes in extramarital affair recovery, I want to tell you what I have heard many men say.