
Can Captain Marvel beat Thanos without the gauntlet?

Can Captain Marvel beat Thanos without the gauntlet?

Captain Marvel showed her strength against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, even overpowering him with a full Infinity Gauntlet. He had to separate the Power stone from the Gauntlet just to get her off him. Captain Marvel could use her superhuman strength, speed, and stamina to get the upper hand on a gauntlet-less Thanos.

Is Thanos powerful than Captain Marvel?

Originally Answered: Is Captain Marvel stronger than Thanos? Captain Marvel is neither physically stronger than or more powerful than Thanos. She’s probably not stronger than Hulk or Thor. She’s also not more powerful than Thanos even in his base form.

Is Captain Marvel more powerful than Thanos in the MCU?

Captain Marvel is considered the most powerful superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but is she really more powerful than Thanos? The MCU began in 2008 with Jon Favreau’s Iron Man, which introduced Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark and set the tone for the subsequent movies, as well as the basis for the formation of the Avengers.

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How powerful is Thanos in the comics?

Thanos is exaggeratedly powerful, effortlessly taking down the likes of Thor, Iron Man and Captain America in Endgame. He has been shown to knock out the Incredible Hulk, both cinematically as well as in the comics, as well as take on Infinity Gem-wielding (temporarily unhinged) superheroes.

Why does Thanos have a gauntlet in Infinity War?

Thanos is seen armed with this gauntlet throughout Infinity War, using it to wipe out half of all life in the universe after obtaining all six Infinity Stones. Then, at the start of Endgame, it is revealed Thanos used the gauntlet to atomize the stones to prevent the surviving heroes from undoing his victory.

How strong is Thanos without the Infinity Stones?

Thanos, on the other hand, and without the Infinity Stones, had superhuman strength, durability, stamina, speed, agility and reflexes, regenerative healing factor, and was a master manipulator and excellent hand-to-hand combatant – but so is Captain Marvel.