
How many dates does it take to develop feelings?

How many dates does it take to develop feelings?

Three dates is a good rule of thumb. That’s a pretty fair amount of time together. If you’re not feeling any sense of chemistry or attachment, it’s OK to give up. If you want to keep trying, go for it, but make sure to be careful of his feelings too.

How do you know if a girl have feelings for you?

If a girl has feelings for you, then she would value your opinion above everything. She would frequently ask you if she was right doing something because what you think of her matters. Also, she wants you to have a good opinion about her.

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Does a woman care if a man confesses his love for her?

If she cares for him, she will respect, admire and even love him even more for admitting his love for her; if she has doesn’t respect him, she just won’t care if he confessed his love for her.

Should I tell my crush that I’m not sure he loves me?

If she has confessed her feelings and made every effort to prove her love. Then admit those feelings if your admission is less than hers. She is torturing herself, probably writing on this board that ” I am not sure he loves me : ( ” But if it is early, or she has not admitted any feelings. Then don’t do it. It may get you dumped.

Can a woman win a man’s heart by confessing her own?

Sure. It takes courage to show your vulnerability to another person. But respect shouldn’t be confused with sexual or emotional attraction. This isn’t different between the sexes. A woman isn’t any more likely to win the heart of a man who feels no attraction by confessing the depth of her own.

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Should I tell my girlfriend that I’m not sure he loves me?

If she has confessed her feelings and made every effort to prove her love. Then admit those feelings if your admission is less than hers. She is torturing herself, probably writing on this board that ” I am not sure he loves me : ( ” But if it is early, or she has not admitted any feelings. Then don’t do it.