Tips and tricks

How do I stop gaming instead of studying?

How do I stop gaming instead of studying?

7 Tips To Stop Playing Online and Actually Enjoy Studying.

  1. Go somewhere else.
  2. Go with a friend or a few friends.
  3. Walk to your study spot.
  4. Don’t study for more than 30 minutes before you take a break to stretch your legs and get the blood flowing back to your brain.

Is gaming good for studies?

While one widely held view maintains that playing video games is intellectually lazy, such play actually may strengthen a range of cognitive skills such as spatial navigation, reasoning, memory and perception, according to several studies reviewed in the article.

How do I remove my mind from games?

Pick up a sport, or start a new exercise routine. Try to spend more time in nature – go for a hike or a run. You can even try to start meditating and cultivating more internal awareness. If you can come to terms with the reason you play video games in the first place, it will be easier to find ways to avoid gaming.

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Is gaming a procrastinator?

Indeed, as expected we found that those who indicated that they were playing video games as a mean to escape from reality, or to have a break from stress, had a significantly higher level of procrastination than those who were playing for entertainment, break from everyday life, or for the social value of games.

Why is playing games so much more interesting than studying?

The game play is interesting either because doesn’t take too much energy than studying. Actually these all come back about mindset. We have heard study is difficult and boring, unconditionally we believe it, then making us so hard to study, otherwise playing games are relaxing. My answer is because study is boring.

Why do people take exams while playing video games?

In a video game, you are constantly being alert of the actions going on in the game. And that needs attention or constant focus.Also, in games you don’t have all the resources, so you need to act carefully and wisely. Same with the examination. Your time is limited and you need to use the time effectively.

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Why do students prefer playing online games over traditional games?

Also, students prioritize playing online games than doing a lot of things, helping their parents in household chores, doing their assignments, playing traditional games because most of their times were spent in playing online games. They’re being out of focus to the things they prioritize before.

How do you study when you don’t feel like it?

9 Ways to Keep Studying Even When You Don’t Feel Like it 1 Limit Your Session Length. 2 Don’t Focus on Results. 3 A Moment for Yourself. 4 Accept Negative Emotions. 5 Vary Your Study Setting. 6 Stand up Walk Around. 7 Change Your Study Material. 8 Go Outside. 9 Reward Your Inner Child.