
Would it be wrong to steal in order to feed a starving child?

Would it be wrong to steal in order to feed a starving child?

It is a sin NOT to steal to feed a starving child. There is a hierarchy of moral rules. First degree murder is worse than stealing some candy, for example.

Is it morally right to steal to feed your family?

The agent in the moral dilemma being considered has a duty not to steal and an obligation to feed his family. Because stealing a loaf of bread would cause relatively little harm, and preventing his family from starving would be a great good, the action of stealing the bread would be morally justified.

Can food be used as a form of punishment?

They may also withhold those special treats as a means of punishment. A parent might refuse to serve dessert, for example, if her children have talked back or neglected to clean their room. Using food as a reward or as a punishment, however, can undermine the healthy eating habits…

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Should you force your kids to eat their dinner?

At least not without a power struggle. I know in my house, it never does. Forcing kids to eat just doesn’t work, but it certainly does invite temper tantrums and other challenging behavior. In fact, telling a child to eat food they don’t like or aren’t hungry for, can hurt them and here’s why. What’s so Bad About Making a Child Eat Their Dinner?

Why shouldn’t parents use food as reward or punishment?

Why Parents Shouldn’t Use Food as Reward or Punishment It’s common for parents to offer a “special”—and often unhealthy—food as a reward for good behavior or a job well done. Using food as a reward or as a punishment, however, can undermine the healthy eating habits that you’re trying to teach your children.

What happens when a child eats too much food?

After eating too much, indigestion and fullness set in and those two feelings aren’t pleasant sensations. When you tell your children what to eat and how much to eat, even if they’ve told you they aren’t hungry or are already full, their internal cues about hunger become confused.