
What is really going on in your marriage?

What is really going on in your marriage?

That’s a good clue for what is really going on. When a couple isn’t having sex, it is usually the wives who initiate therapy. They feel they are losing their husbands or they are worried because their husband is often angry and irritable. Sometimes they are in my office because the husband had an affair, or because he said he wanted a divorce.

Is a no-sex marriage right for You?

When intimacy is gone and both partners are too busy and exhausted to even think about sex, a no-sex marriage is acceptable. They can work on the issue together as a team. The problem arises when one person in the relationship wants sex while the other doesn’t.

What should I do if my husband is not interested in sex?

Fix it. If there are emotional issues that dampen the mood, deal with those also. It is natural for you to not desire sex if your husband is inattentive, controlling, critical or abusive.  If this is happening in your marriage, you have some big problems to address.

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Is your wife responsible for her sexual behaviors?

You may be surprised at her response. Remember, you cannot control your wife. A healthy marriage, including healthy sexuality, is a matter for both husband and wife to continually work on. She is completely responsible for her behavior. This is only focusing on what YOU can do. But you don’t need to remain powerless and frustrated.

How do you deal with no sex in a marriage?

Be a happy couple. Make the time. Get creative in the bedroom. Extend cuddling time. Listen to music & dance as a couple. Hush and listen. No-sex marriages used to be a way to control family size, but now no sex or living in a sexless marriage is an indication of serious issues in a relationship. Having no sex in marriage is not considered

Can a wife refuse sex in marriage?

Neither the husband, nor the wife have to earn sex in marriage. A wife cannot flatly refuse her husband, she may only ask for a delay (a raincheck) and then she needs to make good on that raincheck as soon as possible. A husband has the right to confront his wife’s sexual refusal as a sin not only against him, but also against God.

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Is anger the real cause of a sexless marriage?

Unresolved anger is at the root of the problem in many sexless marriages. Often, people in sexless marriage divorce, citing sexual problems as a major factor. Yet, anger may be the real problem that causes the lack of sex.