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How far can we communicate in space?

How far can we communicate in space?

Ground Networks Ground station antennas range from the small very high frequency antennas that provide backup communications to the space station to a massive, 230-foot antenna that can communicate with far-off missions like the Voyager spacecraft, over 11 billion miles away.

How do spaceships communicate with Earth?

Spacecraft send information and pictures back to Earth using the Deep Space Network (DSN), a collection of big radio antennas. Spacecraft send information and pictures back to Earth using the Deep Space Network, or DSN. The DSN is a collection of big radio antennas in different parts of the world.

What is the purpose of sending landers and rovers to Mars?

First among the mission’s scientific goals was to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils for clues to past water activity on Mars. The rovers were targeted to sites on opposite sides of Mars that looked like they were affected by liquid water in the past.

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Why we shouldn’t colonize the Mars?

Difficulties and hazards include radiation exposure during a trip to Mars and on its surface, toxic soil, low gravity, the isolation that accompanies Mars’ distance from Earth, a lack of water, and cold temperatures.

Can phones work in space?

Originally Answered: Can you use your cell phone in space? Nope. Cell towers are on on Earth’s surface and using phased array focusing and directional antennas, the radio energy is focused down on the surface of the Earth, not into outer space. Most cell phones don’t even work in an airplane while it’s flying.

Why did NASA send a rover to Mars?

What will be the next spacecraft to leave the Solar System?

Voyager 2 likely will be next. Both spacecraft, launched in 1977, are still in contact with NASA’s Deep Space Network. NASA’s New Horizons, which flew past Pluto in 2015 and is currently exploring the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune, will eventually leave our solar system. As will the now inactive Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft.

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What is a relay satellite?

What is a relay satellite? Like in a relay race, where runners pass the baton to the next runner to run the next leg of the race, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) works similarly with satellite’s information to transfer data between the ground and space.

Why can’t I see the ground station from my satellite?

Satellites in orbit cannot pass along their information to the ground stations on Earth if the satellite does not have a clear view of the ground station.

Are there any space probes that orbit other planets?

Space probes have been sent to fly by or temporarily orbit other planets. Have any artificial satellites been sent to permanently orbit another planet and record data? “Permanent” as in purpose of… Stack Exchange Network