Tips and tricks

Can you wear the same elastics all day?

Can you wear the same elastics all day?

For elastics to be effective, they have to be worn 24 hours a day unless you are instructed otherwise. Constant wear of your elastics is essential. If you forget to wear them one day, the progress you achieved for the preceding two days may be lost. Night-time elastic wear alone will not move your teeth.

How many times should I change my elastics?

Make sure to change your elastics every 3-4 hours and at least every 12 hours because they lose elasticity over time. Make sure to use the proper elastics and see that they are properly attached to the brace bracket – use a mirror if necessary. If you run out of elastics – stop in to pick up some more.

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Can you use elastics twice?

DON’T – Double up on elastics as this will cause too much pressure on the tooth or teeth and can actually harm the root of the tooth. DO – Always wash your hands before removing or replacing the rubber bands.

Is Doubling your elastics bad?

If you double up on your elastics, you can damage your teeth. The added pressure created by the elastics can slow down the tooth’s movement and damage the roots.

Is it OK to wear two elastic bands with braces?

Wearing two elastic bands as an alternative to wearing the bands consistently isn’t an effective alternative, says the Braces Guide. Doubling up interarch elastics can increase soreness and even make treatment time longer if your teeth move in an unintended way.

How long should you wear elastics before getting braces removed?

The number of hours you wear elastics each day is usually the biggest factor in how quickly you get your braces removed. It is currently believed that six hours of constant wear is the minimum time required to initiate the biologic mechanisms that allow teeth to move.

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What are the different types of elastics for braces?

Everyone with traditional braces uses the rubber bands that are looped around each bracket to hold the arch wire in place. These rubber bands are called ligature tires and should only be removed or replaced in your orthodontic office. The other type of elastics is interarch rubber bands. These are used to correct your bite alignment.

Can an orthodontist prescribe INTERARCH elastics?

However, if the elastics are only needed for light maintenance, then the orthodontist may only prescribe nighttime wear. It’s the consistent tension on the teeth and jaw that makes interarch elastics effective. If the patient doesn’t wear their elastics as prescribed, the treatment time is lengthened.