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What is earth conscious?

What is earth conscious?

adjective. Aware of and sensitive towards environmental issues.

Is the sun sentient?

Since the Sun is the main provider of life, heat and energy on Earth, it is a symbol of health and light, and is often depicted as a benevolent being. Sometimes, the Sun is depicted as a sentient, malevolent entity that actively tries to harm the life forms it shines upon.

Is eco friendly?

Eco-friendly literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment (see References 1). This term most commonly refers to products that contribute to green living or practices that help conserve resources like water and energy.

What does the Gaia hypothesis state?

The Gaia Hypothesis proposed by James Lovelock (1972) suggests that living organisms on the planet interact with their surrounding inorganic environment to form a synergetic and self-regulating system that created, and now maintains, the climate and biochemical conditions that make life on Earth possible.

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Is there life on sun?

The Sun could not harbor life as we know it because of its extreme temperatures and radiation. Yet life on Earth is only possible because of the Sun’s light and energy.

Is the Earth a conscious being?

The Earth is a Conscious Being. The earth, like all planets, is a conscious being. The first goal of our earth was to use conscious intention to form minerals and to turn these into rocks and crystals.

Does planet Earth (Gaia) have consciousness?

Planet Earth (Gaia) is a Conscious, Sentient Being. source: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/06/11/does-the-earth-have-its-own-consciousness/ You may already be aware that there are different levels of consciousness and that consciousness evolves from lower to higher levels of awareness. You may also know of the “universal consciousness”…

How is the Earth evolving?

The earth is evolving in consciousness, which is related to and influences our conscious evolution. Two features of this transition are the so called “quickening” of time and increased synchronicity.

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What are you like the eyes and ears of the universe?

You are like the eyes and ears of the universe, showing it different possibilities and aspects so that it can learn and evolve. The earth, like all planets, is a conscious being. The first goal of our earth was to use conscious intention to form minerals and to turn these into rocks and crystals.