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What is the most depressing cartoon?

What is the most depressing cartoon?

Top Ten Most Depressing Animated Movies

  • #1 Waltz with Bashir (2008)
  • #2 Watership Down (1978)
  • #3 When the Wind Blows (1986)
  • #4 Animal Farm (1954)
  • #5 Barefoot Gen (1983)
  • #6 The Secret of NIMH (1982)
  • #7 Mary and Max (2009)
  • #8 A Scanner Darkly (2006)

What was the saddest episode of cartoon?

15 Cartoon TV Episodes That Will Make You Cry

  1. 1 Futurama – “Jurassic Bark”
  2. 2 Bojack Horseman – “That’s Too Much, Man”
  3. 3 Justice League Unlimited – “Epilogue”
  4. 4 Teen Titans – “Things Change”
  5. 5 Hey Arnold!
  6. 6 The Simpsons – “Mother Simpson”
  7. 7 Steven Universe – “Rose’s Scabbard”

What is the saddest kids TV show?

What follows are some of the saddest moments in kids’ shows – and we promise you that you’ll be crying by the end of it.

  1. The World of David the Gnome – THAT ending.
  2. Batman: The Animated Series – Heart of Ice.
  3. Justice League Unlimited – Superman’s son.
  4. Sesame Street – Mr Hooper.
  5. The Wild Thornberrys – Rebecca the elephant.
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Are cartoons given the credit they deserve?

It appears that cartoons aren’t given the credit they often deserve however, as they occasionally manage to provide moments that are truly touching, mature, educational — and downright sad.

Do cartoons make us feel good?

Cartoons are supposed to make us feel good, but these 15 have definitely shattered our hearts into a million pieces. Cartoons seem to have a strong reputation for being light, breezy entertainment suitable for almost all age groups — and for the most part this is true.

Why are animated series so emotional?

Though most animated series are intended first and foremost to score laughs, the best of them take advantage of these emotional connections to do something more with their characters, exploring their hopes and heartbreaks in surprisingly poignant ways.

What is the most emotional episode of the Simpsons?

Aimed at a more mature audience than your typical cartoon, The Simpsons has a whole host of emotional episodes and poignant moments, but “Mother Simpson” stands as one of the show’s greatest triumphs to date. The episode focuses on Homer’s discovery that his mother, Mona, who he’d thought dead for the past 27 years, is in fact alive and well.