
Why are love affairs so addictive?

Why are love affairs so addictive?

According to psychologist and relationship researcher Scott Haltzmann, infidelity is a “flame addiction.” A person having an affair craves the other person, wanting to experience the same addictive behavior repeatedly. This is due to a series of complex neurological, chemical, and hormonal changes.

How can I overcome extramarital affairs?

Rebuild your traumatized relationship.

  1. Uncover the cause of the affair.
  2. Consider your history.
  3. The offender must take responsibility for having the affair.
  4. The non-offending spouse must accept responsibility for making a contribution to the system that produced the affair.
  5. Each partner should have a chance to vent.

How to rebuild a fractured post-affair relationship?

In this vein, the following eleven reparative steps can help rebuild a couple’s fractured post-affair relationship. 1. Uncover the cause of the affair. Barring compulsive sexual behavior or individual pathology, affairs tend to be symptomatic of a relational problem.

How do you deal with an affair?

Consider your history. Affairs run in families. If, for example, one of your parents had an affair, you may model this behavior in an effort to get your needs met. Learning to be assertive and express your desires directly can be helpful in breaking this generational transmission process. 3.

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Do unfaithful people have an addiction to the affair partner?

Many of the unfaithful people I talk to also mention their “addiction” to the affair partner quite a bit. The behaviors of an addict are almost the same no matter what the addiction. That’s why it’s easy for many people to spot an addict, or at least notice that something is wrong.

How to get out of an adulterous relationship?

When you have decided you want to get out of your adulterous relationship it’s important to have realistic expectations. Expect to feel hurt and guilty toward both your ex-lover and your marriage mate. Expect to feel the loss for all the qualities your lover had that you felt your partner was lacking.