Tips and tricks

What to do if you are stranded in another country?

What to do if you are stranded in another country?

If you are overseas and in need of emergency assistance contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. If you are concerned about a loved one overseas, please call: From the U.S. & Canada – 1-888-407-4747. From Overseas – +1 202-501-4444.

Can the U.S. Embassy fly me home?

Can the U.S. Embassy send me home in a crisis? Only in limited circumstances. You have to look after yourself, because the embassy isn’t promising to evacuate you. Also, there are no free rides: citizens are generally responsible for reimbursing the government for the cost of their travel.

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How can I move countries with no money?

And you don’t need to be rich to do it. Here’s how to move abroad with no money….10 steps to move overseas with no money

  1. Get on board with finding work abroad.
  2. Find the right work abroad program.
  3. Make the decision.
  4. Tell friends and family you’re moving abroad.

What should you do when you’re stuck in a foreign country?

You’re officially stuck in a foreign country with no apparent way home. What should you do? First — while it may seem like a cliche, the most important thing is to remain calm.

What to do if you have no money and no passport?

If you’re stranded with no funds and no passport, the embassy can help you get back on your feet. Ask around for the location of the embassy and go there in person; there are also 24-hour emergency phone numbers in case something happens for which you need assistance when the embassy is closed.

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What do you need to know before you travel overseas?

As a good general rule, before you head overseas, you should always make sure to have the address, phone, email and website of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for the place you’re headed printed out. If you can’t get easy internet access or you need the information quickly at hand, a printout or screenshot will do wonders.

What happens if something goes sideways while you’re overseas?

If something goes sideways while you’re overseas, this at least allows the State Department to know where you are and what your plans are so they can offer assistance in times of need. If you didn’t register with STEP before you left for your vacation, do it now. Late is better than never.