
What does it mean when someone says you look great?

What does it mean when someone says you look great?

In other words, ‘You look great’ means that you look great in general or on this particular occasion, and ‘You’re looking great’ is a comment on how you’re looking right here and now.

Is it weird to say you look great?

With the exception of dramatic hair changes (“you got a haircut!” will suffice) you should never comment on someone’s body. Even “you look great!” and “did you lose weight?” are deadly. I know “you look great” seems innocuous, but it often comes off as “I would sleep with you.” As for weight: Never mention it.

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What does it mean when your boyfriend says you look great?

3. “You look great.” If he tells you that you look great, stop over-analyzing and speculating what he really means. He really thinks you look great and wants you to know that.

How do you respond to you look amazing?

If someone says you look good, you can simply say thank you and move on. This is probably one of the easiest ways to answer “You look so good!” However, your answer may be incredibly deceiving. If it is a person who you rarely see and just walk by, saying thank you and not going into detail is a good option.

What does it mean when a guy tells you you look amazing?

Telling you you’re amazing is his way of letting you know you’re an important person in his world, whatever happens (or doesn’t happen) between you. Maybe he’s seen another side of you, and he wants you to know he’s noticed and would like to see more. Perhaps he’s only interested in friendship.

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How do you manage to look so gorgeous everytime reply?

What’s the difference between gorgeous and beauty?

Beautiful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is aesthetically pleasing. That person or item can please the mind, senses, and the eyes too. Gorgeous, on the other hand, refers to something or someone who is strikingly stunning, magnificent, good-looking, or wonderful from the outside.

Why is it important to follow up after a meeting?

If you have a good business meeting with someone, it can often lead to a great business relationship which could help you in the future. The benefits of a good follow up email after a meeting can be enormous and are often underestimated. Anyone can attend a meeting, but what you do after the meeting tells a whole new story.

Can anyone attend a meeting?

Anyone can attend a meeting, but what you do after the meeting tells a whole new story. You’re probably thinking “its not that important”, right? Well actually, this is one of the most important steps. Studies have shown that email signatures build trust and convey professionalism.

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How do you thank someone for meeting you after a meeting?

Thank them for the Meeting This is kind of obvious. Make sure you actually thank them for taking time out of their day to meet with you. Make it known that you appreciate their time and that you enjoyed the meeting or found it useful.

What does you look great because you look different mean?

The speaker of this “compliment” is usually trying to convey two separate thoughts: 1. You look good, and 2. you are more done-up than usual and therefore look different. However, it can come off as “You look great because you look different,” implying that someone does not look good regularly on a day-to-day basis.