
Is hyperspace theoretically possible?

Is hyperspace theoretically possible?

A spacecraft could theoretically skip ahead to a distant region of space if it enters such a wormhole between the two locations. As in our familiar universe, objects in a wormhole would have to travel slower than the speed of light, which, in a vacuum is 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second).

Can you collide in hyperspace?

Hyperspace collisions, whether they be intentional or by accident, could devastate or even destroy a planet.

Are wormholes hyperspace?

A hyperspace wormhole was a tunnel in hyperspace itself that connected two realspace locations to one another. Though a rare sight, they were sometimes able to be used as a shortcut, allowing for faster than normal travel. The use of a gravitic polarization beam could create hyperspace wormholes.

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How do ships not hit each other in hyperspace?

How they don’t hit each other is mainly down to luck and the speeds they are going at… Hyperspace can be considered a parallel tier of space concurrent to our own. It allows for vessels to jump into it and drop out of it using a hyperdrive and allows for ease of travel across the galaxy.

How does hyperspace work in Star Wars?

The physics of Star Wars. Hyperspace is, in theory, a set of extra dimensions beyond the three that we experience daily. These extra dimensions are able to connect distant points in real space. This allows for faster-than-light speeds (in a sense). For example, consider the flight from Tatooine to Alderaan.

What is hyphyperspace and is it real?

Hyperspace is, in theory, a set of extra dimensions beyond the three that we experience daily. These extra dimensions are able to connect distant points in real space. This allows for faster-than-light speeds (in a sense).

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When did hyperspace travel become possible?

At some point in the ancient past of the galaxy, an ancestral species unlocked the secrets of traveling through hyperspace and opened the galaxy up to exploration. Hyperspace travel was mastered as early as four millennia before the Cold War, as demonstrated by the existence of hyperspace sextants from that era.

Is it possible to travel through hyperspace without violating relativity?

There are ways in which traveling through hyperspace would not require a violation of relativity, though. The idea that two points in real space are connected by a “tunnel” taking advantage of additional dimensions is not unheard of in physics theories. These connections between points in space-time are called wormholes.