
What do you do when you get your first job?

What do you do when you get your first job?

In this story, the experts share what you need to do after getting your first job offer.

  1. Respond ASAP.
  2. Close the loop on outstanding applications.
  3. Complete your new hire paperwork.
  4. Start a first job budget.
  5. Go on a thank-you tour.
  6. Plan some well-earned time with friends and family.
  7. Keep your career path clear.

How old was your first job?

The general rule is that a young person under school leaving age (16) can get a part-time job from the age of 14. However, they can only be employed in what is considered ‘light work’. This means that they cannot do any job that may affect their health and safety or interfere with their education.

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What do you look in your first job?

5 Things You Should Look for in Your First Job (Because It’s Not All About Salary!)

  • Experience you’ll gain. Early in your career, the most important thing you can do is gain as much experience as possible.
  • Potential for advancement.
  • Benefits.
  • Company history.
  • The environment.

Can 15 year olds work?

If you are a minor living in California, you must have a work permit before you can start a job. You get your permit from your school. When school is in session, 14- and 15- year-olds may work 3 hours per day, not to exceed 18 hours per week.

When people get their first job?

In the current system, people get an entry level job right after college or other training, usually when they’re between 20 and 25. Until recently, that was also the age range during which they were most likely to be starting a family. The average age to have a first child in the US has been rising.

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What you will learn at your first job?

Sticking to deadlines: Deadlines can be flexible and taken up easily when a person was in school or college.

  • Learning work home balance: Balancing work as well as home works can be a total myth as many people think but it really isn’t.
  • Every penny is important: When an individual earns money he learns the value of hard-earned money.
  • How important is your first job?

    Also, the first job is an important one. Not only because you learn how to be professional, work in a team and understand yourself better. Your first job is important because it puts you on a career path that you will probably follow for much longer. Take Alan for example.

    What to expect for your first job?

    Here are some things you can expect to encounter upon starting your first job: You will need time to acclimate to the organization. This is a time of change — you have the responsibility of a full-time job, and you may be on your own for the first time in your life.

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    What are some good starter jobs?


  • cashier
  • lab assistant
  • newspaper delivery
  • teacher
  • camp counselor
  • retail
  • dishwasher
  • receptionist
  • manager
  • waiter/server
  • hostess
  • intern
  • McDonald’s – one of the most popular places for teens to work!
  • student
  • barista
  • store clerk
  • pizza delivery
  • lifeguard
  • research assistant