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Was Hector the hero of the Iliad?

Was Hector the hero of the Iliad?

Hector’s Character In many ways, Hector can be considered the more heroic of the heroes in The Iliad. While Achilles is forever brooding and nursing his wounded pride, Hector seems to have a less selfish mentality.

Why is Achilles and Hector the hero of the epic Iliad?

While Hector, who fights for the Trojan army, he is not only a prince of Troy is also considered the greatest of the Trojan warriors. Achilles and Hector are most important characters in the Iliad because they are respected and revered as heroes by all people of their side.

Why is Hector more heroic than Achilles?

Although Hector promises to respect Achilles’ body, Achilles does says he would not do the same to Hector’s body. Hector is a respectful person even to those who do not respect him like Achilles and this shows he is more heroic.

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What is the role of Hector in Iliad?

Hector, in Greek legend, the eldest son of the Trojan king Priam and his queen Hecuba. He was the husband of Andromache and the chief warrior of the Trojan army. In Homer’s Iliad he is represented as an ideal warrior and the mainstay of Troy.

Who is a hero in the Iliad?

The prime example is Akhilleus, more commonly known as Achilles in the English tradition. This, the greatest hero of the Iliad, was the son of Thetis, a sea-goddess known for her far-reaching cosmic powers.

Who is the hero of the Iliad Achilles or Hector?

These two great warriors both show different kinds of traits that shape the character they become throughout the The Iliad. Achilles is the main hero in The Iliad, but Homer subliminally tries to persuade the reader that Hector is the true hero in this story.

Who is the real hero of the Iliad Achilles or Hector?

Hector is the true hero of Homer’s Iliad. Although Achilles and Hector are both leaders of men, Hector leads with a mature sense that gives his men reason to respect him. In turn, Hector respects his men which gives fulfillment to both parties.

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Who is the main hero of Iliad?

The prime example is Akhilleus, more commonly known as Achilles in the English tradition. This, the greatest hero of the Iliad, was the son of Thetis, a sea-goddess known for her far-reaching cosmic powers.

Was Hector a good leader?

A Trojan hero and warrior, he fought bravely against the Greeks in the Trojan War. In the Iliad , Homer’s epic poem about the war, Hector is portrayed as a noble and honorable leader. In the long war that followed, Hector fought valiantly and with great vigor against the Greeks. He was the Trojans’ greatest champion.

Who is the hero of the Iliad essay?

Achilles In The Iliad Essay While in a meantime Achilles is the most outstanding character and the hero of the Iliad. He is the pride of the Greek military. He is the son of Theas.

What was Hectors fate in the Iliad?

The gods debate concerning the fate of Hector; at length Minerva descends to the aid of Achilles. She deludes Hector in the shape of Deiphobus; he stands the combat, and is slain. Achilles drags the dead body at his chariot in the sight of Priam and Hecuba. Their lamentations, tears, and despair.

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What is Hector’s personality in the Iliad?

Hector’s character is drawn in most favourable colours as a good son, a loving husband and father, and a trusty friend. His leave-taking of Andromache in the sixth book of the Iliad, and his departure to meet Achilles for the last time, are movingly described.

What did Hector do in the Iliad?

Hector, in Greek legend, the eldest son of the Trojan king Priam and his queen Hecuba . He was the husband of Andromache and the chief warrior of the Trojan army. In Homer ’s Iliad he is represented as an ideal warrior and the mainstay of Troy.

Why is Hector considered the hero of ‘the Iliad’?

The introduction points out that the name Hector means “holder’. Hector was the holder of Troy’s well being and that is why he deserves to be called the true hero of the Iliad.