
What qualities make a good math student?

What qualities make a good math student?

Ways of identifying mathematically promising students include:

  • patterns noted and generalized.
  • predictions made and verified.
  • interesting related problems posed and investigated.
  • measures of creativity— fluency (number of different solutions) flexibility (variety of solutions) originality (uniqueness of solutions)

How can I be intelligent in mathematics?

How to Get Smarter in Math

  1. Learn Smarter. Just as people are either left- or right-handed, they also have dominant brain hemispheres.
  2. Study Smarter. Because math is a learned skill that requires practice, you may need to spend more time on homework and studying than you do in other subjects.
  3. Practice Smarter.
  4. Think Smarter.

What does it take to be a geniuses in math/physics?

Genius in math and physics requires that you think differently. Absurdly differently, almost to the point of insanity. Go against the crowd, and conventional wisdom and beliefs. But! It also requires that you keep on foot firmly in scientifically testable ground.

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What are the biggest obstacles to becoming a mathematics genius?

One of the biggest obstacles to become a mathematics genius is plain old fear! If you assume you’re bad at math, when you get a problem wrong, you will see that as a confirmation of this assumption. You will think to yourself, “I knew I’m no good at this.

How do I get good at Physics in college?

Start by being a genius. Then decide to apply your genius to the topic of Physics. If you are not already a genius, you can at least get to be pretty good at Physics by working hard at it. Do lots of problems. Listen in class. Ask lots of questions. Go to professors’ office hours.

Do you have to be a genius to do something?

You may not need to be a genius to do something that will make people call you one. You need to get to the edge of knowledge with all the requisite skills, and then be intuitive, or just plain lucky, as to where to spend your time working, and the methods you use to break new ground.