
What type of laws did the Persian Empire have?

What type of laws did the Persian Empire have?

For the Persians, the king’s law was the gods’ law, and as such applied to the whole empire. Every royal decree was considered irrefutable and unchangeable law, to be obeyed by all his subjects.

What was the downfall of Persia?

The Persian Empire began to decline under the reign of Darius’s son, Xerxes. Xerxes depleted the royal treasury with an unsuccessful campaign to invade Greece and continued with irresponsible spending upon returning home. Persia was eventually conquered by Alexander the Great in 334 B.C.E.

What do you think were the reasons of the decline of power of the Achaemenid empire?

The Persian Empire entered a period of decline after a failed invasion of Greece by Xerxes I in 480 BC. The costly defense of Persia’s lands depleted the empire’s funds, leading to heavier taxation among Persia’s subjects.

Who did the Macedonians seek revenge on?

Arrian claimed that the Macedonians set the fire rationally and deliberately. He believed they took their vengeance for the poor souls they had met along the road and exacted retribution for 480 B.C., when Persia burnt the city of Athens.

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Who invented scaphism?

The practice is considered to be a purely literary invention of Ancient Greek literature as it has never been attested in Ancient Persia. The primary source is Plutarch’s Life of Artaxerxes, where he attributes the story to Ctesias, a notoriously suspect source.

How did the environment impact the Persian Empire?

The 2 main ways the Persians impacted the geography of Ancient Persia was by farming and building roads. The Persians had a geography that provided them with an abundance of farmland which they used efficiently to plant and harvest vegetation. The Persians used used agricultural practices to benefit them later on.

What form of government was the Achaemenid Empire?

Achaemenid Empire/Government

When did the Persian Empire collapse?

329 BC
Achaemenid Empire/Dates dissolved

How did the Persians treat the Ionians?

How did the Persians punish the Ionians for rebelling? They destroyed the city of Miletus. When King Darius asked the Greeks for their earth and water, the Greeks… …refused and threw his messengers into pits and wells.

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