Tips and tricks

What is the sum of exterior angle of an octagon?

What is the sum of exterior angle of an octagon?

The sum of the exterior angles of a regular octagon = 360 deg. So each exterior angle = 360/8 = 45 deg. And the interior angle which is supplementary to the exterior angle = 180–45 = 135 deg.

What is the measure of one exterior angle of a regular dodecagon?

Explanation: For a regular n -gon, the measure of an exterior angle is 360˚n . Since a dodecagon has 12 sides, an exterior angles is 360˚12=30˚ .

How do you find the sum of the exterior angles of a regular polygon?

The formula for calculating the size of an interior angle is: interior angle of a polygon = sum of interior angles ÷ number of sides. The sum of exterior angles of a polygon is 360°. The formula for calculating the size of an exterior angle is: exterior angle of a polygon = 360 ÷ number of sides.

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What is the size of each interior angle of a regular octagon find by applying formula?

A regular octagon has all the angles of equal measure. In a regular octagon, all the sides are equal in length, and all the angles are equal in measure. The interior angles add up to 1080° and the exterior angles add up to 360°. The interior angle at each vertex of a regular octagon is 135°.

What are the outside angles of an octagon?

Properties of Octagon These have eight sides and eight angles. All the sides and all the angles are equal, respectively. There is a total of 20 diagonals in a regular octagon. The total sum of the interior angles is 1080°, where each angle is equal to 135° (135×8 = 1080) Sum of all the exterior angles of the octagon is 360°, and each angle is 45° (45×8=360).

What is the sum of the exterior angles of an octagon?

Every convex polygon has a sum of exterior angles of 360 degrees. Since an octagon has 8 sides, 360/8 = 45 degrees.

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What do the exterior angles of an octagon add up to?

In the case of an regular octagon you would divide 360/8 and get 45. Since the exterior angle is the supplement of the interior angle (that is the two angles together add up to 180) then the interior angle is 180-45=135.

How many interior angles does an octagon have?

A regular octagon has eight equal sides and eight equal interior angles. An octagon has eight vertices (corners). A short line in the middle of each side of a shape means that the sides are all the same length. In a regular octagon, each inside angle is 135°.