Do Indian parents encourage children to work abroad?

Do Indian parents encourage children to work abroad?

According to a recent HSBC report, 88\% of Indian parents who are keen to send their children for postgraduate studies abroad — a proportion that is the highest in the world, ahead of Turkey (83\%), Malaysia and China (82\% each).

Would you leave your family to go study or work at far off place Why or why not?

Answer: yes I will go . because study is important to go ahead & also my family will sport me but I will not leave my family because it is in my heart .

Why do Indian parents send their children to India?

Majority of the participants reported that one big motivation for sending their children to India was for them to learn about and/or maintain ‘Indian culture’. As children grow up in a country other than the parents’ place of origin, some expressed concerns that they would not develop the connections to India.

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Why parents send their children to study abroad?

Studying abroad can boost career prospects and significantly improve language skills, making it an invaluable experience. This notion seems to be seconded by parents around the world, as found by a recent study conducted by HSBC. It can shape your child’s success and is an important investment for their global career.

Can parents live in US?

To petition for your parents (mother or father) to live in the United States as Green Card holders, you must be a U.S. citizen and at least 21 years old. Green Card holders (permanent residents) may not petition to bring parents to live permanently in the United States.

Can I study abroad at 18 without my parents permission?

The first thing I would say is that technically at 18 you are an adult, and you don’t need your parent’s permission to study abroad or travel. That get’s a little trickier though if they are paying for your education or your room and board. It’s hard to dispute the benefits of studying abroad.

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Is it fair to leave your parents in India and work abroad?

Not money, not fame, not fancy FB photos, likes, not cars or houses. So if you ask me “Is it fair to leave your parents in India and work abroad”, I would say it is dependent on the individuals circumstance or case by case basis. In my case my brother stayed back in India and would visit my parents once a month.

Why should you support your child’s study abroad?

Studying abroad means your child has access to the best faculties, world-class education and a global mindset. As a parent, it is your responsibility to support your child in this decision. So, gear up to be a part of this fruitful journey.

How can I help my child decide to go abroad?

Sit down and understand why your child wants to go abroad – whether it is career-driven or personal. It is important to know what exactly your child seeks in life to be able to guide and support them. 2. Stay informed