Tips and tricks

Can I bring coffee to therapy?

Can I bring coffee to therapy?

While you wait for your appointment, there’s a large selection of magazines to look through as well as complimentary Wi-Fi, coffee, tea, and water. There’s also a private, non-gendered, and disability-compatible restroom for your use. You can bring your coffee or tea with you if you like.

Is it OK to drink during therapy?

Don’t consume alcohol, smoke, vape or use other substances immediately before or during an online counseling session. It may seem like pouring yourself a glass of wine or vaping during your session is harmless.

Can I drink wine during therapy?

Is it okay to give my therapist a gift?

On your end, there is not a rule against gifting, but there are ethical rules therapists have to follow about accepting gifts. This means that, if you get a gift for your therapist, he/she will likely be unable to accept it due to the ethical code of conduct and ever-important boundary considerations.

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What can I give my physical therapist as a gift?

Your physical therapist should take pride in working hard with you during your rehabilitation, and helping you optimize your functional mobility is a rewarding part of the job. No gift that you can give your PT can match the satisfaction of helping people move better and feel better after injury. Was this page helpful?

Would you accept a gift from a client?

If the client giving me a gift reflects a continuation of problematic behavior that they are wanting to address and manage in therapy, then me accepting the gift would not be clinically appropriate. I am more likely to accept an inexpensive gift since the gesture hopefully reflects the great therapeutic relationship we have.

Should therapists exchange gifts with patients?

Exchanging gifts may also suggest or invite a change in the nature of the therapeutic relationship—from a professional relationship to a relationship that is too casual, too friendly, or potentially provocative. Where some mental health professionals might draw a hard line on gifting in either direction, others may see a sliver of gray area.