What were the main causes of the collapse of the Bronze Age international system?

What were the main causes of the collapse of the Bronze Age international system?

Historian Robert Drews in his book The End of the Bronze Age has on his list of possible causes of the collapse the following: earthquakes, mass migrations, ironworking, drought, systems collapse, raiders and changes in warfare.

When did Indo-Europeans reach Britain?

1500 B.C. — The Indo-Europeans have not yet reached England. The Celts are in the area roughly between Luxembourg and Geneva. 500 B.C. — The Celts have brought their language (a branch of Indo-European) to England. After their peak around 400 B.C., the Celts begin a long period of decline, which continues even today.

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What does Indo mean as in Indo-European?

Coined by Thomas Young in 1813, from Indo- +‎ European, relating to the geographical extremes in India and Europe (which was valid before the discovery of Tocharian languages in the early 20th century).

What happened to the Indo-European?

Ecological studies: widespread drought, urban collapse, and pastoral migrations. Climate change and drought may have triggered both the initial dispersal of Indo-European speakers, and the migration of Indo-Europeans from the steppes in south central Asia and India.

What happened in the Bronze Age?

The Bronze Age marked the first time humans started to work with metal. Bronze tools and weapons soon replaced earlier stone versions. Humans made many technological advances during the Bronze Age, including the first writing systems and the invention of the wheel.

What happened during the Late Bronze Age?

↓ Future. The Late Bronze Age collapse involved a Dark Age transition period in the Near East, Asia Minor, the Aegean region, North Africa, Caucasus, Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age, a transition which historians believe was violent, sudden, and culturally disruptive.

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How did the invention of bronze change the world?

The invention of bronze brought an end to the Stone Age, the prehistoric period dominated by the use of stone tools and weaponry. Different human societies entered the Bronze Age at different times.

What happened to the Assyrians after the Bronze Age?

Late Bronze Age collapse. A very few powerful states, particularly Assyria and Elam, survived the Bronze Age collapse – but by the end of the 12th century BC, Elam waned after its defeat by Nebuchadnezzar I, who briefly revived Babylonian fortunes before suffering a series of defeats by the Assyrians.

How did Bronze Age civilizations interact with each other?

The Bronze Age was marked by the rise of states or kingdoms—large-scale societies joined under a central government by a powerful ruler. Bronze Age states interacted with each other through trade, warfare, migration and the spread of ideas.