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What were the Harry Potter characters supposed to look like in the books?

What were the Harry Potter characters supposed to look like in the books?

Harry Potter In The Books: Skinny, Round-Faced, And Green-Eyed. Rowling introduces Harry as “small and skinny for his age. Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair and bright green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tape…

What are some similarities between the Harry Potter books and movies?

Both the book and its film adaptation share the character set. The lead character is the hero Harry Potter, a famous wizard whose adventures are the central focus of the book and the movie. In the wizard world, Harry Potter is engaged in a prolonged fight to defeat the immensely powerful and evil wizard Lord Voldemort.

Are there different versions of Harry Potter movies?

2 Answers. No, there is no extended or director’s cut version available for those movies. No official word was given as to why. Speculation suggests they don’t want to say there will not be any, as they can always release them in the future for extra money.

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What are the differences between book Harry and movie Harry Potter?

Not green eyes, as Harry is supposed to have. His hair, while black, isn’t quite as messy as it seems in the books (save that crazy hair for a spell in year 4). As for the knobbly knees, we didn’t exactly get enough close-ups of Radcliffe’s knees to judge that. Other than those differences, Movie Harry is very similar to Book Harry.

What makes a good Harry Potter movie adaptation?

When adapting a book into a film, one thing that is important is for the characters to look the way they did in the book. Harry Potter did this well. The casting choices for the Harry Potter movies were undeniably close to the character counterparts in the books.

How were the Harry Potter characters reimagined for the films?

From Harry’s famous green eyes being changed to blue to Narcissa Malfoy’s unique two-tone ’do, here’s how the Harry Potter characters transformed from page to screen, and why they were reimagined for the films. How he’s described in the books… Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair and bright-green eyes.

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What did Harry Potter like about his own appearance?

The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning.” (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone) In the movies: As we all are aware, Daniel Radcliffe has BLUE EYES. Not green eyes, as Harry is supposed to have.