How was Nebula captured by Thanos in endgame?

How was Nebula captured by Thanos in endgame?

Fleeing the battle after a fight with Gamora, Nebula was soon captured by the Sovereign and handed back to the Guardians after a finished commission. After forgiving and helping her sister alongside the Guardians during the Battle on Ego’s Planet, she left in a ship to pursue a revenge mission against Thanos.

How did Nebula bring Thanos to the future without Pym particles?

Instead of having to duplicate Pym Particles, all Thanos had to do was duplicate the time GPS so Nebula had a signal to lock on to (since presumably she needed hers to return to 2023). Or, since she knew where the ship was, just pull it forward manually.

What happened to Thanos and Nebula in the past?

In 2014, Thanos and evil past Nebula get intel from 2023 Nebula’s mind that in 2023, Thanos has been killed and his master plan has succeeded and is in the process of being reversed. So, 2014 Nebula goes back to 2023 in 2023 Nebula’s place and uses the Avengers’ time machine to bring Thanos and his armies into the future to destroy them.

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What happened to nebula in the Infinity War?

At some point between Guardians 2 and Infinity War, Nebula sneaks onto Thanos’s ship, the Sanctuary 2, with the intention of killing him. Unfortunately, her quest doesn’t go as planned, and she’s captured on the ship. Thanos then puts her in a torture chamber and holds onto her as a part of his master plan.

Who is nebula in the Endgame trailer?

Thankfully, Nebula is one of the characters who survives the snap that wipes out half of the population of the universe, and as the Avengers: Endgame trailer reveals, she joins up with the Avengers on Earth to try and defeat Thanos again. And it sounds like Thanos had better definitely watch out for Nebula.

Why did Nebula cut off her own arm?

Her life-long feud with Gamora for Thanos’s approval culminated in Thanos ordering Gamora to abandon Nebula when they got caught in a Laser Thorn Energy Net, forcing Nebula to cut off her own arm to escape.