
What is an INTP personality type?

What is an INTP personality type?

The INTP is one of the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, making up only 3-5 percent of the U.S. population. As a result, INTPs are often misunderstood and can easily feel alone in the world. But INTPs are brilliant individuals, known for their inventiveness and powerful intellect — and insightful observations. In fact, famous

What are the disadvantages of being an INTP?

You can be ruthless when analyzing concepts and beliefs, and you consider very little to be sacred; you don’t understand how some people stay loyal to ideas that have been proven illogical. As a result, you can easily offend people when you speak your mind (and many INTPs choose simply not to do so). 5. You only open up to a select few

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Are INTP’s rare?

INTP’s are rare creatures, making up roughly 3\% of the population around you. A lot of others will give you the MBTI description, so I am going to take a different approach: INTP’s spend most of their time inside their head. We think on things from 100 angles to do what is most important to us: Discovering the truth.

Can INTPs talk you off without knowing it?

A less socially apt INTP can talk your ear off without realizing you’re not interested in the slightest. While some people take things personally, we INTPs value honesty, so just tell us you’re sick of hearing about computer processors and ask us to find a common topic.

What are INTPs known for?

But INTPs are brilliant individuals, known for their inventiveness and powerful intellect — and insightful observations. In fact, famous INTPs have been responsible for major innovations throughout history: Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton were thought to have been INTPs.

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What do INTPs do when things get too emotional?

When things get too emotional, they may retreat to their own world of thoughts and ideas. INTPs want plenty of space in a relationship to explore their own thoughts, ideas, and interests.

Isabel Briggs Myers called this type the “scholars, theorists, and abstract thinkers” of the personality theory universe, and they’re also commonly known as the ” Architect ” or ” Logician ” type. INTPs want to understand the world in all its glorious complexity, and love using others as a sounding board for their brilliant ideas and theories.

Is the INTP the weirdest Myers-Briggs personality?

There’s a stereotype that the INTP is the weirdest, most socially awkward type of all the 16 Myers-Briggs personalities, and to be fair, that’s often true. It’s also true that “normal” people can be bewildered by an INTP’s behavior.

Why are INTPs so difficult to understand?

The INTP personality type has difficulty in noticing or understanding the emotional needs of even those closest to them. INTP’s don’t express their feelings and emotions easily, making it difficult for others to understand and relate to them. INTP’s can be distrusting and suspicious of others, sometimes without good reason.

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Are INTPs leaders or followers?

INTP personality types are neither leaders nor followers; they march to their drum and are sometimes seen as charmingly eccentric by others. People with INTP personality traits make up between 2\% and 3\% of the population.