Tips and tricks

Do common plecos need a filter?

Do common plecos need a filter?

Their large size, and equally large appetites should be considered when choosing a filter, and any fish tank containing a common pleco should be heavily over-filtered. It seems their one goal in life is to eat and poop, and they will put a strain on even the best filter.

Does pleco need air pump?

Low Oxygen Levels Can Cause Plecos To Gulp Air At The Surface. Therefore, some plecos can have a higher dissolved oxygen requirement than fish from slower moving water. So, your first step if your pleco is gulping will be to add another air pump and airstone to see if that resolves the issue.

Can plecos live in tap water?

Most tap water has chlorine in it, which can be harmful to your pleco. You can also make your own using a dechlorinator or purchase it at a pet store.

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Can a pleco live in a tank without a filter?

If your water quality is good and your cycle stable then they can go indefinitely as long as you do not overfeed. ( in your situation i would not feed at all). I have spent a lot of time trying low tech fish keeping and i have kept plecos in unfiltered aquariums. They do well provided the stocking is low enough.

How long can a pleco go without a filter?

After about 24 hours it will be best to do water changes on the tank provided that the new water is dechlorinated and heated to some extent. The beneficial bacteria in the biomedia will survive for a couple of days as long as you keep the water as oxygenated as possible.

What temperature do plecos like?

between about 75 and 82°F
They do just fine in temperature regions as well provided they are not left outside over the winter. Most plecos are tolerant of waters ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-30°C), though they prefer temperatures between about 75 and 82°F (24-28°C).

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Do plecos like sand or gravel?

The ideal substrate for plecos is fine gravel or soft sand because it will allow the pleco to filter through the substrate to find food. The tank should be densely planted, especially with broad-leafed species like Java Fern and Anubias, to ensure that the pleco can feed on algae growing on the surface of the leaves.

Do common Plecos get lonely?

It looks like a common pleco. it can be kept alone without any problem.