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What happens when Venus and Jupiter is in 6th house?

What happens when Venus and Jupiter is in 6th house?

Venus and Jupiter conjunction in 6th house can make a person prone to Diabetes. Person with such conjunction will be from a highly respectable family of either by knowledge or wealth or both. Person will try to do everything professionally in a Big way as Jupiter is the planet of Expansion.

What happens when Venus is in 6th house?

The placement of Venus in the 6th house can sometimes cause blood-related problems and also other ailments like diabetes, ENT infections & kidney issues. The natives are even susceptible to sexual diseases, depending upon the position and aspect of other planets.

Is Venus in 6th house good?

Significance of Venus in 6th House As Venus in the sixth house nullifies the love and affection aspect in a native’s life, on the contrary, it provides happiness in another form such as working for a good cause, encouraging good deeds and helping those who are in need without any selfish reasons.

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What if Jupiter is debilitated in 6th house for Leo Lagna?

Debilitated Jupiter for Leo Lagna: Jupiter debilitated in sixth house and it rule fifth and eighth house. fifth is house kids and intelligence house and eighth house represents sharp up and down in life. For Leo ascendant Jupiter debilitation makes them a lot of enemies because of their ignorant, self focused and prideful nature.

What if Jupiter debilitated Cancer lagna in 7th house?

Debilitated Jupiter for Cancer Lagna: Jupiter debilitated in seventh house and it rule sixth and ninth house. sixth is house unpleasant house wherever we have a tendency to don’t wish deal and ninth house fortune house.

What is the 6th house in the Vedic astrology?

Furthermore, the 6th house is one of the Upachaya houses (houses of increase) in which Jupiter expands the higher wisdom gradually year by year. If Jupiter is favorably placed, it protects from enemies (and hidden enemies, as from the aspect on the 12th house) and damages caused by them.

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What happens when Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in astrology?

Venus and Jupiter conjunction it makes person intelligent, spiritual, learned, wealthy and well-liked. Since each of those planets represent wealth, and wedding partner in astrology, there’s a robust indication of a mogul or one who possesses lots important in life.