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What religions allow polyandry?

What religions allow polyandry?

Polyandry is a form of polygamy in which a woman takes two or more husbands at the same time. For example, fraternal polyandry is practiced among Tibetans in Nepal, parts of China and part of northern India, in which two or more brothers are married to the same wife, with the wife having equal “sexual access” to them.

Can a man have more than one wife according to the Bible?

The Bible does not allow polygamy for today. In the Old Testament, some men had more than one wife, but this was not God’s original plan for marriage. God created marriage to be between one man and one woman.

Is polyandry allowed?

Polyandry is illegal in virtually every country and strictly prohibited in Islam. Several non-Muslim countries (especially in Sub-Saharan Africa) permit polygyny among Muslims in their communities. Some countries that permit polygamy have restrictions, such as requiring the first wife to give her consent.

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What does the Bible say about polygyny and polyandry?

Polygyny refers to the type of polygamy where a man has several wives and polyandry refers to polygamy where a wife has several husbands. The Bible only allows one type of polygamy and that is Polygyny. Polyandry and polyamory break the biblical model of marriage that women was made for man and that a woman can only have one husband at a time.

How can Christians justify polyamory?

Another way that Christians may try and justify polyamory is by listing the characters in the Bible that were involved in the practice. It is true that many great leaders in the Bible, including Abraham, Jacob, David and Solomon, all had many wives.

Does polyamory violate God’s law?

A spouse’s giving permission to sin does not overrule God’s Law. We do not have the authority to create exceptions to what God has declared to be sinful. While both partners in the marriage may be accepting of polyamory, that doesn’t mean God is.

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What does the Bible say about polyamorous relationships?

Aside from the biblical declarations that they are sin, polyamorous relationships cannot fulfill what the Bible says a marriage is to be. A married couple cannot be “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24) if multiple people, or “fleshes”, are involved.