What does it mean when someone says what are your flaws?

What does it mean when someone says what are your flaws?

C1. a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned or made, or that causes something not to be perfect: I returned the material because it had a flaw in it. There’s a fatal flaw in your reasoning. This report is full of flaws.

What do you say when someone asks your flaws?

Put your weaknesses in a positive light

  1. Emphasize the positive, avoiding negative words like failure or inept.
  2. Talk about how you’ve transformed your weakness into a strength.
  3. Show how you recognize where you need to improve and take steps to better yourself.

How can I come up with good flaws for an interview?

It can be hard to come up with good flaws that will actually work in your favor during an interview. So, if you’re struggling, ask some friends, family members, a job coach or a former employer for advice. You can even act out a mock interview and ask the person helping you to ask you the question about flaws and weaknesses.

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How do you accept your flaws?

The first step in accepting and celebrating your flaws is, quite simply, figuring out what they are. This requires you to figure out who you are, and the seemingly easiest way to get there is by asking yourself, “Who am I?”

What are some examples of flaws in your personality?

Some examples of bad flaws that you probably shouldn’t mention are: You sometimes have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and are late for work at times. You have a short temper and sometimes yell at coworkers. You like to take vacations a lot.

How do you answer ‘I have no weaknesses?

By no means can you say, “I have no weaknesses,” because this does not look good in the eyes of the interviewer. Instead, it’s better to come up with unique weaknesses that can actually be seen as strengths or assets to the company, and something that you can easily improve on.