How do I get better at CodeChef?

How do I get better at CodeChef?

What should I do to improve my performance on CodeChef?

  1. Solve 100+ problems on spoj. Then you will be able to solve 5-6 problems easily.
  2. Stick to the problem for long ,think on your own and give more try before looking at solution. You will definitely improve. All the best.

How can I improve my competitive skills?

How to master your competitive programming skills

  1. Understand the concepts clearly. In order to master your programming skills, you first need to understand the programming concepts clearly.
  2. Start with simpler problems.
  3. Focus on daily-life problems.
  4. Improve your code.
  5. Participate.
  6. Keep updated.

How do I get good at codeforces?

So yes, the best strategy to improve your competitive programming skill is to practice a lot, but you must solve gradually harder problems, not just the easy ones. Get out of your comfortable zone and challenge yourself. For example, if you solve problems on Codeforces: Sort by number of people who solved it.

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What is the best way to write code fast?

TopCoder: Once you have proper experience and you can write codes very fast. You write codes and submit them online . The judge runs your code and checks the output of your program for several inputs and gives the result based on your program’s outputs.You must follow exact I/O formats.

How can i Improve my problem solving skills at work?

This article discusses step-by-step ways to improve your problem solving skills at work. Topics addressed include breaking down a problem to understand it better, digging a little deeper to find out what caused the problem, and ascertaining how widespread the problem is including how many people are affected.

Should I participate in CodeChef lunchtime?

Do participate in CodeChef LunchTime for sure. Even if you are unable to solve a problem do always look at the editorials and then code it and get it accepted (this is the way you will learn). And even if you are able to do it, do look at the codes of some good coders. See how they have implemented. Again you will learn.

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What is the best way to solve a problem?

Keep the desired results or end-goal firmly in your mind then proceed to work on one step at a time. If working with others, share the plan for solving the problem. Provide training if needed on how to accomplish the desired objectives, assemble and distribute needed resources and be available to answer clarifying questions that come up.