Can laser destroy a planet?

Can laser destroy a planet?

Dr. Stuart Penn, senior research fellow at South Bank University in London, suggests another way a laser might destroy a planet: “The laser could vaporize a narrow tunnel to the core of the planet. Then heat the core so it expands and melts.

Is the Death Star laser possible?

Though it’s not big enough or strong enough to destroy a planet, scientists have developed an amplified laser reminiscent of the Death Star from “Star Wars,” according to a new study. A similar project in the U.S. investigated laser fusion, but using different materials.

Can you destroy planets?

Most planets can exist for a long, long time, but they can’t last forever. Hungry stars and violent planetary neighbors can completely destroy a world, while impacts and excessive volcanism can render a habitable world sterile by stripping the planet of its water.

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Can a laser cut an asteroid?

Now, two California scientists have a new proposal to deploy an array of lasers that could vaporize asteroids from as far away as 93 million miles — the distance between Earth and the sun. Working in synchrony, the lasers could destroy a menacing asteroid outright or at least knock it off course.

Could a force user destroy a planet?

One of the most powerful known Force abilities in existence, Force storm was capable of violently destroying the fabric of the space-time continuum by opening dimension-altering rifts in the universe. Force storms could devastate the surfaces of entire planets and consume whole fleets of starships.

Could the Death Star destroy a planet?

Both Death Stars were built by the Galactic Empire to strengthen its control over the galaxy, and they are armed with kyber crystal–powered superlasers, which can destroy entire planets.

Can lasers work in space?

The term “laser” originated as an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. Being EM radiations lasers does not need a medium to travel hence, they can travel in space.

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How does a gravity tractor work?

One of these is the gravity tractor technique, in which a robotic probe flies alongside a space rock for months or years, gradually nudging it off course via a slight gravitational tug. The greater the shepherding probe’s mass, the stronger its gravitational pull is.