Is Spider-Man as smart as Iron Man?

Is Spider-Man as smart as Iron Man?

Tony Stark. Peter Parker is acknowledged as being a genius much like Tony. His spider sense allows his brain to solve problems faster and it also makes him more intuitive. But he’s still not as smart as Tony.

Why is Spider-Man better than Iron Man?

At first glance it seems like the fight should be a stomp in Iron Man’s favor. After all, he is more durable and far stronger. Spider-man’s feats and stats place him in the 50 ton range, and occasionally 100 tons on adrenaline. Iron Man can very easily lift 100 tons and much more.

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Who is the successor of Iron Man?

Marvel’s New Iron Man Successor, Riri Williams, Is Now Ironheart.

Will Spider-Man take over Iron Man’s role in the MCU?

There’s a lot Marvel Studios can do by having Spider-Man take over Iron Man’s role in the MCU. At 22, actor Tom Holland is significantly younger than Robert Downey Jr. was when he debuted in 2008’s Iron Man, which means Marvel (and Sony) can get a lot of mileage out of the rising star.

Why would Peter Parker want to become the new Iron Man?

Others might want to become the new Iron Man because of the prestige and power that comes with the role. However, Peter would likely follow in Tony’s footsteps because he’d feel it’s his duty. Pete probably blames himself for Tony’s death, even though it’s not his fault. Maybe taking up his mentor’s mantle could give him a sense of closure.

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Can Spider-Man be a good leader?

Spider-Man has the potential to be a great leader, but he’s not ready to take that role just yet, and Iron Man did exactly what he fought against for so long.

What did Tony Stark realize during the first act of Iron Man?

During the first act of Iron Man, Tony realized that he had been using his intelligence, money, and power for the wrong purposes, and did his best to make up for that by building (and improving) the Iron Man armor and serving as a hero.