
Is it safe to stay behind or in front of an aggressive driver?

Is it safe to stay behind or in front of an aggressive driver?

Always keep a safe distance from the car in front, no matter how slowly they might be driving. Lay off the horn. Honking out of frustration won’t solve any problems; it will just increase the stress level for everyone on the road. Don’t stop to confront another driver.

How does one become a good defensive driver?

Following these defensive driving tips can help reduce your risk behind the wheel:

  1. Think safety first.
  2. Be aware of your surroundings — pay attention.
  3. Do not depend on other drivers.
  4. Follow the 3- to 4-second rule.
  5. Keep your speed down.
  6. Have an escape route.
  7. Separate risks.
  8. Cut out distractions.

Why do people speed up when passing them?

The drivers who speed up to match you as you pass them on the freeway, not out of anger or machismo but simply because their subconscious herd-animal instincts tell them that it’s completely safe and comforting to be driving at 75mph next to another 4,000-pound unguided missile. Tailgaters.

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What are 7 ways to avoid becoming an aggressive driver?

Ways to avoid becoming an aggressive driver include:

  • Allow plenty of time to reach your destination.
  • Do not “cut off” other drivers.
  • Do not drive slowly in the left (fast) lane.
  • Do not tailgate.
  • Do not gesture to other drivers.
  • Use your horn for emergencies only.
  • Let aggressive drivers pass you.

Which of the following are characteristics of a defensive driver?


  • Characteristics of a Defensive Driver.
  • Knowledge. You know:
  • Alertness. You pay attention to:
  • Foresight. You anticipate the unexpected by:
  • Judgment. You always:
  • Skill. You know how to:
  • Is it better to drive offensively or defensively?

    Defensive driving is the safest way to drive and can help people to avoid involvement in accidents. By contrast, offensive driving is when drivers drive aggressively.