Tips and tricks

What is the status of hermaphrodite in Islam?

What is the status of hermaphrodite in Islam?

According to Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence), the one who has both male and female multiplicative organs is called a khuntha, or hermaphrodite. With regards to Islamic law, all actions will be taken to determine the gender of the hermaphrodite.

How many wives a Muslim man can have?

four wives
The position of Islam on polygamy is clear: a man is legally permitted to have up to four wives. However, this permission is restricted by the Quran’s saying that justice must be done, and if a man fears injustice, he must be content with one wife only.

What does Islam say about insomnia?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “One should not sleep before the night prayer, nor have discussions after it” [SB 574]. Additionally, Muslims are required to wake up for Fajr prayer, which is about one hour before sunrise. The Prophet did not sleep after Fajr prayer.

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Does Islam prefer women to have a female gynaecologist?

Allah gave us brains and intuitions to make better choices and although Islam (or any women, Muslim or non Muslim) would prefer to have Islam prefers women to have a female gynaecologist but if you can’t find one, it’s alright to have a male gynaecologist.

What are the rules of Islam for women and men?

Women in Islam. Hence, God’s rules apply to both genders, but in diverse ways. For example, God commanded women to cover certain parts of their body, including their hair, to preserve their modesty. Men are also required to cover parts of their body out of modesty, but not in the same way as women.

Is it okay for Muslim women and Muslim men to have interaction?

Muslim women and muslim men are okay to have interaction in 4 matters: Education, Trading, Health (like doctor and patient), duh, I forgot the last one. So yeah, regarding to your question, it shouldn’t be a problem.

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Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to take care of others?

In the case of emergencies it is permissible because the circumstance requires immediate attention and you take whoever is available in order to take care of the emergency. In any case most Muslim women even in an emergency situation request female doctors and staff members.