
Do you think karma is a real thing?

Do you think karma is a real thing?

Is karma real? Karma seems to be real when something good or bad happens. Karma is real when it explains why certain people reap rewards and to justify extreme punishment or reward by fate as a result of decisions taking place. Believing that karma is real can help to keep society in line.

Whats the real meaning of karma?

Karma, a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to “action,” is a core concept in some Eastern religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. With karma, like causes produce like effects; that is, a good deed will lead to a future beneficial effect, while a bad deed will lead to a future harmful effect.

What is the idea of karma?

What are some examples of good karma and bad karma?

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Below are examples of good karma and bad karma: Good karma is simply good thoughts and actions that result in positive aspects in ones’ life. Below are examples of good karma; Doing community work to help build the society. Abiding by rules and regulation governing the society. Spreading the message of peace and love.

What is the true philosophy of karma?

That philosophy was created by man to make a nice, god fearing (or karma fearing) society. But the true philosophy of karma or karma yoga is actually a bit different- it says “ do your duty/work/action without thinking of the fruits of that action.

Does the universe use bad karma to punish you?

Since your actions and intentions will have a corresponding result in your life, this result is your “good” or “bad” Karma. The Law of Karma always looks at your intentions, and the intention fueling your actions will bring forth good or bad Karma. In truth, the Universe does not use bad karma to punish you, but to teach you a lesson.

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What is bad karma and bad deeds?

Bad karma is subject to bad deeds, bad karma is simply the thoughts and actions that are subject to negative aspects in our day to day life and they are commonly referred to as vikarma among the Sanskrit. 3.
