Tips and tricks

What do you do when you feel lost and directionless?

What do you do when you feel lost and directionless?

When you feel lost and directionless, grant yourself space to grow out of who you were, and to fantasize about who you could be. This creative thinking will help you uncover possible paths forward. The most important takeaway is that discomfort is an indicator of necessary change.

What does it mean when you feel directionless all the time?

What it means to feel directionless To feel directionless is to feel disconnected. Some experience it as an increasing sense of misalignment and malaise regarding one’s present and future. Others may feel stuck, hopeless, or unmotivated.

Is it normal to feel directionless right after taking action?

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Surprisingly, you can feel directionless even right after taking drastic action. It’s easier to feel lost right after taking action, once your feelings of achievement have settled. For example, four years of studying might lead to your dream job!

Are you stuck in a directionless state of life?

When you’re directionless, life begins to look bleak. While some feel satisfied with the status quo, many of us continually wonder how we could get more from life, or how we could better spend our energy. However, when you wonder about change but stay stuck in familiar circumstances, it only compounds your state of directionlessness.

How did you feel when you left a full-time job?

In the first few days (ahem, alright, months) after leaving my full-time gig, I’d sit down at my computer and feel totally overwhelmed. Every day was a battle to try to scrounge up work and at least take one step in the right direction. But, at the same time, I felt absolutely exhilarated.

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Is it hard to look confident when you quit your job?

I kept picking at a piece of torn upholstery toward the bottom of the seat, despite my best attempts to look cool, calm, and collected. But, no matter how many articles I crank out about successfully putting in your two weeks notice, I’ll admit it’s pretty tough to look confident and composed when you’re quitting your job.