
Are lefties more likely to be geniuses?

Are lefties more likely to be geniuses?

Left-handed people are more likely to be geniuses. It’s no wonder that Albert Einstein was a lefty. While lefties make up for just 10\% of the entire population, 20\% of all members of MENSA— the world’s largest and oldest society of people with high IQs—were found to be left-handed.

Why are left-handed people at a disadvantage?

On the flip side, lefties have some disadvantages too. Some studies show that left-handed people showed an imbalance in processing emotions with their left and right hemispheres of their brain. Left-handed people have a higher risk of brain disorders like schizophrenia, dyslexia or hyperactivity disorders.

Is being left-handed a factor in gaming?

Still, lefties are a resilient bunch, and they overcome their circumstances by adapting, and are often forced by circumstance to rely on their non-dominant hand for everyday tasks like using a mouse. In gaming, sports, and esports, handedness ranges from being completely insignificant to being an important factor.

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How do lefties hold their cards?

They hold their cards in their left hand and use their thumb to fan their cards out until their cards-in-hand look like this: Orthodox style. Lefties manipulate their cards in the opposite fashion. They draw cards with their left hand and hold them in their right hand.

Why does being left-handed matter in sports?

It can play a strategic role in sports like baseball, or it can simply effect what kind of gear consumers are able to get their hands on. In baseball— where lefties make up 25\% of active players —handedness is a huge aspect of the sport, and for lefties, it usually gives them an advantage.

Why are left-handed hitters more successful?

The left-handed batter box places lefty hitters a couple steps closer to first base, making it a little easier for them to run out singles. In fact, 8 of the top 10 all-time batting averages belong to lefty hitters.